What follows are some reflections on the results of our MOLA restoration experiment. Please note that I post these to provoke conversation and get your thoughts on soils and restoration. The reflections are very preliminary and have not been peer-reviewed. For ease of read (or quick skim) I have not included literature references or a bibliography. In the coming weeks we will be sending a manuscript in for publication on the topic. Lauren Umek is the project manager and is a senior scientist on the project.

We found that for some of the nutrients measured in our
study, including nitrogen, availability was indeed reduced. However, these effects were not consistent over
the two years that we measured them with the important exception of phosphorus
availability which increased in plots that had received a mulching
treatment. Consistent with our
expectations buckthorn seedlings and saplings density was significant reduced
in all plots compared with our controls (where buckthorn was not cut). Additionally, those plots that had received
wood mulch, either of buckthorn or commercial mulch, had lower buckthorn
seedling or sapling density than all other treatments.
We studied the availability of several nutrients other than
nitrogen in our treatment plots and controls.
These included a range of ecologically significant anion and cation
species as well as heavy metals including zinc, lead and cadmium. The elevated phosphorus in mulched plots by
the end of the second year is especially remarkable as the role of buckthorn
presence or removal in the phosphorus cycle has not, as far as we know,
received significant attention before.
Similarly, the observation that zinc and lead were elevated in treated
plots is seemingly a novel observation.
In both cases the elements were elevated in plots from which buckthorn
had been removed, and were not an effect of mulching. Although the elevation of zinc diminished
over time, in contrast, the mobilization of lead became more pronounced over
The reduction in the prevalence of buckthorn seeds and
seedlings in plots treated to reduce nutrient availability is consistent with
our expectation. That is, the mulched
plots were less invaded than other restoration management treatments.
Nevertheless, the interpretation of these results is complicated by three
factors. Firstly, the reduction in
nitrogen is small and not consistent across the two years of our
observations. It is therefore unlikely
to be a primary factor in influencing buckthorn prevalence. Secondly, the examination of other soil
nutrients and ions showed that the treatments resulted in several significant
impacts on the soil environment some of which may also have had an influence on
the revegetation of the plots. Finally,
in this experiment we were primarily concerned with installing restoration
treatments that managers might reasonably be able to implement. The mulching treatments were therefore
incorporated into the soil by rototilling, so these mulching treatments are in
fact a compound one constituted by carbon additions and by soil
disturbance. Both of these aspects may
have had an influence on the plant community.
There is a growing appreciation that approaches to
restoration that incorporate knowledge of the soil into management practice may
be more effectiveness in achieving their stated objectives. This is because the plant community, the
diversity of which is often the target of ecological restoration practice, is
both influenced by and in turn influences soil properties. Since sites with soils having elevated
nutrients are often rapidly reinvaded after restoration, the incorporation of
soil ecological knowledge (SEK, sensu Heneghan et al. 2008) appears to offer
the prospect of improved outcomes. The
implications of our study for applying SEK to ecological restoration are
several, though none of these are straightforward. The observation that mulching treatments
(addition of low quality carbon and its incorporation into the upper layers of
the soil) reduced the prevalence of buckthorn seedlings and saplings suggests
that this may provide a promising approach to restoration in the face of
buckthorn. However the precise mechanism
connecting changes to the soil environment to reduced prevalence of the
invasive species remain unclear for the reasons stated above. The changes in the availability soil
nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients are suggestive but further work
remains to be done before we make a clear recommendation. To be clear we need to have a clearer
understanding of the implications of the sorts of combinations of
simultaneously elevated and reduced soil nutrients for the plant community and
for critical ecosystems function.
This is the first study, as far as we know, that shows that
buckthorn removal is accompanied by the elevated availability of lead and
zinc. Since the methods that we used
(plant root simulator probes) allowed us to evaluate the relative mobility of
these elements only in the upper layers of the soil, caution is urged in
interpreting the results. If this is a
general phenomenon careful study of the fate of lead in the environment of
restoration project will need to be undertaken.
If may be that this represent a small scale redistribution of this heavy
metal in the superficial layers of the soil, though if significant lead is
mobilized it will have an adverse impact on subsequent uses of the sites from
which buckthorn has been removed.
In most cases where mulched treatments had effects on soil
nutrient availability or on buckthorn prevalence there was no difference
between mulch comprising buckthorn woodchips or commercially available
mulch. We employed buckthorn mulch as a
treatment because it is, of course, the most abundant source of low quality
carbon available in restoration plots in the region in which our work was
undertaken. The use of commercially
available mulch would make its use prohibitive expensive for many restoration
projects. However, some response variables
significant differ between the buckthorn and the commercial mulch. These variables include the elevation of
phosphorus availability in buckthorn mulched treatments. Increased phosphorus availability will also
have implication for restoration that merit close attention.
We make the distinction in this study between buckthorn
seedlings and saplings. We applied this
distinction based upon size and the woodiness of small stems. Overlooked woody saplings may make an
important contribution to the apparent reinvasion of cleared plots. Assuming this to be the case restoration
managers are urged to follow up on land from which buckthorn has been cleared
to remove these saplings either physically or chemically. Both seedlings and saplings were reduced in
our mulched treatments. The reduction of
saplings, in particular, may be as a consequence of tilling the mulch into the
The treatments we used in this experiment involve some
fairly pronounced soil disturbances and would therefore have limited application
for intact soil which may have a soil structure worth preserving, in addition
to this soil being an important source of plant and microbial propagules. Since such soils are increasingly rare, our
more radical restoration treatments might, when their impacts are more fully
assessed, have broad applicability.
Heneghan, L., S. P. Miller, S. Baer, M. A. Callaham, Jr., J.
Montgomery, M. Pavao-Zuckerman, C. C. Rhoades, and S. Richardson. 2008.
Integrating Soil Ecological Knowledge into Restoration Management. Restoration
Ecology 16:608-617.
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