Monday, June 2, 2014

A short reverie of urban greenspace reduced aggressive feeling, enhanced playfulness and peacefulness.

This is, of course, a study done on a modest scale.  The fuller, more comprehensive study is under-way. But results, such as the one above reports on, that I have conducted in classes at DePaul over the years have been unwavering in their direction: a reverie of a place with a profusion of vegetation always alters self-reported feelings of energy, aggression, playfulness, peacefulness, and general satisfaction with life.  Perhaps most surprisingly students dreaming of green score better on a numerical riddle!

Added: Since some of my colleagues in the environmental social sciences are emphatically pointing out the limitations of this "study" I'd like to emphatically concur that this is indeed a limited study (I'd never have made greater claims on its behalf!).  There is a small number of subjects, the students are in an urban ecology class etc.  That being said (and this is not to undercut an acknowledgment of the studies limitations) these observations were made, and these are the results.  The observations underscore the sorts of results that others have made on the implications of green space for human well-being (meant here in a very general way).  It should be used, perhaps, as a point of departure for examining these other more comprehensive studies.

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