
Monday, April 2, 2012

Launching a quarter-long informal discussion of Bill Jordan and Tim Morton's Work at DePaul

As some of you know William Jordan III’s book The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature is out in paperback finally.  Coincidentally, so is Tim Morton’s The Ecological Thought (out tomorrow, 2nd April).  We are proposing a reading of both this quarter at DePaul.  In particular we will hone in on the overlaps between the two writers on the “shame” issue, “dark ecology”, and the perennial question of the “other.”  I have written a short introductory note on the overlaps here.

We will start with an orientation on Thursday 5th April at 11:30 in the McGowan conference room 1110 W Belden Av. and will collectively decide upon the reading schedule.

If you are planning on attending email Liam at lhenegha at gmail com

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